html minify npm
html minify npm




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How to minify HTML with Node.js

You can use the html-minifier npm package to minify HTML. First, install the package: npm install html-minifier. Now, you can use the package like this:


A very light minifier Node.js module. Build Status Features It allow you to compress JavaScript, CSS and HTML files. at main

The html-minifier npm package provides a command line interface that makes it possible to minify HTML. This can be useful when working with a site built ...

HTML minifier

HTMLMinifier is made by kangax, using tweaked version of HTML parser by John Resig (which, in its turn, is based on work of Erik Arvidsson). Source and ...

Minify HTML with npm

Use the html-minifier npm package cli to minify an HTML file with npm package.json scripts and Node.js.


HTMLMinifier is a highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier. Installation From NPM for use as a command line app: npm install html- ...


Extremely fast and smart HTML + JS + CSS minifier. Latest version: 0.15.0, last published: a year ago. Start using @minify-html/node in your ...


Minify - a minifier of js, css, html and img files. To get things done Minify uses this amazing tools: Install For Node users: npm i minify -g


A very light minifier Node.js module. Build Status html-minifier html-minifier is a plugin for node-minify It allow you to compress HTML files.


HTMLMinifier is a highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier. See corresponding blog post for all the gory details of how ...


Youcanusethehtml-minifiernpmpackagetominifyHTML.First,installthepackage:npminstallhtml-minifier.Now,youcanusethepackagelikethis:,AverylightminifierNode.jsmodule.BuildStatusFeaturesItallowyoutocompressJavaScript,CSSandHTMLfiles.,Thehtml-minifiernpmpackageprovidesacommandlineinterfacethatmakesitpossibletominifyHTML.Thiscanbeusefulwhenworkingwithasitebuilt ...,HTMLMinifierismadebykangax,usingtwea...